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It all started with the Reunion. My Yale Class of 1964 was convening in New Haven in late May. This 60th anniversary felt like a last roundup; a good one not to miss. But how to get there from California? Nancy and I shun air travel’s increasing stress. And an Interstate marathon would hold no appeal for a one-driver couple in our eighties.

Amtrak seemed an inviting solution. Spicing a cross-country railway route with layovers would let us visit friends and family along the way.  And speaking of routes, why settle for a boring identical return? A jump to the north could bring us back across Canada. The loop of a lifetime. We started to plan. Our actual itinerary ended up spanning 44 days and 8,500 miles.

In this month’s post, I’d like to share encounters and impressions from our expedition’s trans-American first phase. Next month I’ll do the same for trans-Canadian Phase Two. Both installments will feature lessons Nancy and I learned and relearned about the attractions and challenges of North American rail travel for oldies like ourselves. A candid journal of a transformative journey.

Welcome aboard!


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